Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Assassin's Creed Revelations Review Round Up

We've barely had time to dip our toes into the deep oceans of Skyrim, but Q4 2011 marches on and keeps pummeling us with blockbuster games that demand our attention.
Next title to be served up on the bulging gaming buffet table is Assassin's Creed Revelations, which ones again puts you in the (now rather well worn) shoes of Ezio Auditore and Altair Ibn-La'Ahad.

Reviews are up of this wrist bladed stab-em up and we're looking at another strong game, but perhaps not quite up there with the best contenders for 2011.

Gamespot Review (8.0/10)
Joystiq Review (4/5)
IGN Review (8.5/10)

It looks like Ubisoft has given us another great Assassin's Creed game that builds on all the successful elements of the past games, but the new additions are not all that meaningful. Worse, a few of the new additions seem to be unpleasant experiences that actually detract from the enjoyment of the game.
So if you are already buried in fantastic games that you want to play (Skyrim, Batman and multiplayer Battlefield 3 says "Oh hi there!"), then perhaps you can postpone your trip to the Animus machine until the new year.

IGN video review:

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