Saturday, October 1, 2011

10 mins of "Aliens: Colonial Marines" gameplay

I've never been the biggest fan of the Alien movies but they still rank pretty high on my personal cool wall.

An Aliens FPS is nothing new, but in Aliens: Colonial Marines the slimy black critters are not accompanied by Predators for a change.

Gearbox (of "Borderlands" fame) is making this game, which means that it could turn out to be rather cool.

This just released trailer shows the first in-depth actual gameplay that has been released to the public:

I don't know who did the voice over to this trailer but I think they should not have shot him up with horse tranquilizer before he did the speak.
He sounds about as excited for this game as I was about my last visit to the dentist.

The game itself looks alright, I think. A bit bland perhaps, but with some nice atmosphere.
If you're a big Alien geek then this could be something to really look forward to.

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