Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rage review embargo ends. Internet goes "meh, not too bad"

The reviews for ID's new shooter "Rage", which is releasing this week, are now up on the internet.

It seems like my skepticism was mostly well founded.

The overall impression seems to be that Rage is a great looking game and a competent shooter.
However it is also rather shallow and the open world vibe that ID has been trying to push is pretty much only skin deep.

Rage: You shoot people and it's not terrible

I will try to get my hands on a rented copy of the game and check it out for myself.
Although, as I am not a very big FPS fan I don't expect I will be all too entertained.

In the mean time I've rounded up some of the reviews out there for your perusal:

Joystiq Rage review (3/5 stars)

IGN Rage review (8.5/10)

Also there is a one hour long Quick Look up at Giant Bomb here

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