Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Video look at Dawn of War 2: Retribution multiplayer

I made good on my threat to fraps some game footage with comments.

The public demanded (or well, there was one guy) that I show you some Dawn of War 2: Retribution, so I have recorded and commented on a game I played of me facing off as the Eldar vs Chaos.

No one expects the Inquisition!

If you're interested in more info about the universe I have written a piece about why I love Warhammer 40k that you should totally check out

I hope you find the video entertaining and/or informative.
Part 1:

Part 2:

I am aware that the mic is occasionally not great, but I hope you can ignore that.

Please do give me feedback for improvement or for other games you would like to see me cast.

You can find a list of the games I have here.

Follow LightSpeedGmng on Twitter


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