Friday, November 25, 2011

Commencing The Old Republic Beta Deep Dive

Today is the start of the four day *almost* open beta test that Bioware is conducting for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Depending on when you signed up for the beta you will be allowed to start testing on different days. I have been lucky enough to get access in the first wave.

Due to a busy schedule for me over the weekend, I will sadly probably not get to play all that much, but I will try to get a decent amount of hours in and report back to you with my impressions and opinions.

Since I'm going to try to squeeze in as many beta hours as possible, this might mean I won't have time to do more posts over the weekend, so if the site is quiet for a couple of days, then you know why!

I hope that any of you that were interested in participating in the open beta weekend have all gotten your invites and are ready to go!

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