Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Guns of Icarus Online Gameplay Trailer - Steampunk Airship Combat

The upcoming "Guns of Icarus Online" is something as unique as an online co-op steampunk airship game. Taking the role as a crew member on board massive airships that travel over the remains of a war ravaged land, you will get a chance to do your part in aiding the destroyed world with rebuilding itself and flourishing once more.

Players can choose between different classes and you'll need to work together to manage all the complexities of airship combat. Some players may need to focus on repairing the ship while others are manning the weapons or steering the airship.

This just released gameplay footage gives us an early look at the gameplay of Guns of Icarus Online

Gatling guns and flamethrowers? Don't mind if I do!
Steampunk seems to be getting quite popular nowadays, with City of Steam also bringing us an online steampunk experience. That's a nice breath of fresh air and a setting that I don't think we've seen too many games use, so I'm quite interested in seeing how Guns of Icarus Online pans out.

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