Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Syndicate trailer brainwashes us with 4 player co-op details

This Syndicate trailer was posted just before Christmas, but it got lost among the piles of merriment and X-mas spirit, so I just saw it yesterday and thought I'd share it with you guys.

The video feeds us some more details about how the co-op gameplay of Syndicate will function, including a brief look at the four different agents that you will be taking the role as.

It's interesting that you'll be playing as four distinct agents and while I'm sure it'll add some flavor to the multiplayer experience, I feel that it does detract a little bit from the dystopian and drab vibe that is associated with the Syndicate universe.

In any case, it looks like we'll get to have fun kicking people in the balls and shooting them with large guns in the co-op multiplayer so there is always that, I suppose!

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  1. Aaaaaaah...kicking people in the balls and shooting them with large guns. How refreshingly different from everything we've seen so far!

  2. Clearly this will revolutionize the way we think about video games!

  3. The future of gaming the near future!


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