Monday, February 13, 2012

Light Speed Gaming Week in Review: February 6

The end of another has blown right past us again, leaving me dazed and confused, with an unexplainable craving for potato chips. Such is the infinite mysteries of the space-time continuum!

Let's see what I pulled out of my wrinkly brain bag last week, shall we?

The demo of Jagged Alliance. Back in Action did not exactly put the game on my "must buy" list..

My first post of the week was another one of my semi-regular gamin' complainin' posts, this time the target of my bile was the massive sequel overload that we're seeing in the gaming scene at the moment.
Getting older really does make you a lot more susceptible to getting pissed off by current trends, I guess. Can't wait for reaching new stages of intolerance once I hit 30 later this year!

Next up was a good bout of self back padding as I announced that Light Speed Gaming has now serviced more than 50.000 viewers since the launch back in September.
Aside from giving me a chance to bask in my own blinding glory of success, this post also provided me with the opportunity to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who has passed by the site.

Returning to producing something with slightly higher public service qualities than listening to me bitch about the state of gaming or reading about my insignificant internet achievements, I wrote up my experiences with the Jagged Alliance: Back in Action demo.

Kicking off the weekend was a guest post, which gave impressions on The Darkness 2. I've never personally played either the original or this brand new sequel, but from the sound of this quest post it sounds like I might have to pick it up and give the old demonic snake routine a try.

Closing out the week was yet another of my posts about making money in SWTOR.
This time my focus was on my own experience of grinding out money on the GTN at a slow and casual rate, which has so far worked out well enough to get me around 700.000 credits over the course of around a month.

Stay tuned to Light Speed Gaming for more on science fiction and video games!

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