Tuesday, December 20, 2011

4 tips to have 100.000 credits by level 25 in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Money makes the world go round, they say. This is true even a long time ago in a galaxy far far away in the game of Star Wars: The Old Republic, where money not only makes the world(s) go round, but will also enable you to go round the worlds faster, by buying yourself a ground vehicle as soon as you hit level 25.
Not to mention being able to expand your inventory holding capacity or just picking up a nice new piece of gear or mod from the auction house when you really need to.

So you'll want to get your hands on some credits in SWTOR and I'm gonna tell you how. At level 25 I had amassed just around 100k credits in game, and I had still bought every single skill available to me as I leveled up, and even expanded my inventory space twice (that's a total cost of 25k credits alone).
This meant that as soon as I got back to the Imperial fleet, I could go train the first speeder skill and buy my very first speeder, allowing me to ride in style and separate myself from those filthy filthy poor people that were still travelling using their feet.
How quaint!
My inventory (expanded twice) brimming with items to sell and my cash balance looking good
So tell us, oh rich one, how can we also amass these piles of currency and be part of that elusive 1%?
Well, I'll tell you. My tips are simple and straightforward, but judging by the amount of people that were complaining about lacking money for a speeder, they are not heeded by a lot of the player population.

1. Gathering skills are key

In SWTOR you're allowed to pick three crew skills, of which only one can be a crafting skill. But there's no rule that states that you *must* pick one crafting skill. Instead of going for two gathering skills and one crafting skill you should pick three gathering skills instead.

I suggest you pick Bioanalysis, Scavenging and Archaeology.
Why these three? Well, all these gathering skills are skills that you can use out in the play areas. You'll find nodes that can be gathered for all of these skills and for Bioanalysis and Scavenging you'll even be able to gather resources off some of your slain enemies. That means that you'll be able to get materials for 0 cost, so the sale of them is 100% profit straight into your pocket!

I've seen a lot of people advocating the advantages of Slicing, which is more aimed at straight up bringing in money directly, without the need for the middle step of having to sell an item to another player.
The big issue I see with Slicing is that it's not going to be corrected for inflation. That is, you'll always get X amounts of credits for a Slicing mission of a certain level, but the price of crafting material Y is going to increase as the economy gets going and players grow wealthier.

Imagine that there was a "Slicing" like profession in something like World of Warcraft and that you would be able to get 20 silver for completing a mission at level 10 by using that profession. 20 silver would be great at level 10 when the game first launched, but these days you'd be able to mine 20 copper ore and sell that for something like 10 gold at the auction house, meaning the value of picking up mining instead of "Slicing" is 50 times more!

That's why I think you should skip getting Slicing and go for a crafting material gathering skill instead.

Once you have your gathering skills you need to look out for the little "star" markers on the map that denotes a resource node. Generally you'll want to harvest every single one that you see, even if it means spending an extra 30 seconds killing a couple of nearby monsters.
This is both to get the actual resources themselves, of course, but you also need to make sure that you're leveling up your skills so you can continue to harvest all the resources you come across.

You generally should not spend credits sending your companions off on missions *unless* you are on a planet where your gathering skill is too low for the nodes. Then it's okay to send your companions on missions until your gathering skill is high enough that you can start gathering the nodes that you are finding again.

AEON SWTOR Gaming Guide Click Here!

2. Dump the materials on the Galactic Trade Network

The Galactic Trade Network (GTN) is SWTOR's answer to WoW's auction houses, albeit with a completely horrible interface.
There are GTN terminals on your capital planet, on your home fleet and a neutral GTN on Nar Shadda (there may be more GTN terminals, but those are the ones I've seen and used so far up until level 25).

Once you start feeling like picking up items is like playing sci-fi inventory Tetris it's time to make your way to the nearest GTN terminal and start dumping all your materials on the market.

At this early stage of the game there aren't really a lot of established price levels, so you're going to have to dabble a bit at what the price should be for a given item.
Generally I try to use the suggested price as my baseline and then I'll multiply by 1,5-2,5.
Or you can do a search on the auction house and see if there are already a lot of auctions going for that item and if there is an approximate price point you can find based on that.

Obviously as we get further into the game we'll start to see prices find a level and it will be easier to price your stuff, but don't be afraid to experiment. If your auction doesn't sell then you'll get your deposit back, so don't spend too much time worrying about the right price.

Save up your money for a sweet sweet speeder Segway
3. Sell *all* your green items that you don't use on the GTN

So you're playing a Sith Inquisitor and you just picked up a blaster or a heavy armor chest piece. Completely useless to your class and since it's just taking up space in your inventory you might as well just offload it to a vendor and get some quick cash, right?

Wrong! No matter what you've just found, there's a good chance that there is a player out there that is willing to buy it at the right price. And that price is almost certainly going to be a lot higher than what you would have gotten from a vendor.

Again, knowing the right price for a piece of gear is very hard at this point in time, but I generally just go with the recommended price for green items and somewhere between 1,5-2,0 times that price on blue items.

4. Buy *nothing* at the GTN

While you're standing there at the GTN and looking at all the different wares on offer, trying to estimate the right price for the goods you're selling, it is all too easy to get your eye caught by a shiny blue piece of armor or a sweet mod that's +5 more endurance than what you have equipped.

DO NOT GIVE IN TO TEMPTATION. The quest rewards and the various items that you'll find on random drops on your travels are more than enough to get you through the game. Certainly for the first 25 levels at least.
Remember that as you're leveling you'll be shedding your gear quicker than a psoriasis stricken snake sheds skin.
It's simply not worth it to pay 5-10k credits for a piece of gear that will only last you through the next few hours of gameplay.

If you must splash out some credits on something just to scratch that shopping itch, then I suggest you buy the first one or two inventory upgrades, which will give you more rows of carrying capacity. This means that you can carry more phat lewt, meaning you'll be going back to the GTN terminals fewer times and depositing larger loads at a time (that last part sounded a bit rude).

Speaking of carrying capacity, remember that you can right click on your companion portrait and ask them to go sell all your trash items. This will clear up some much needed inventory space and allow you to pack in more high value goodness.

This is basically how I accumulated my cash from level 1 to 25. As you can see there are no complicated mystical formulas to use, just some common sense and a little capitalism.

I wish you the best of luck in your own wealth accumulation and enjoy your speeder!

For more SWTOR Money making tips I recommend that you check out my post about playing the market on the GTN auction house.

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  1. Thanks I'm LV24 I have almost 300k thank for these tips :)

  2. Thanks Bcools59, that's great to hear! :)


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