Friday, November 11, 2011

10 Reasons not to have a Predator as your roommate

Following up on my post on the coolness of the Predator Shoulder Cannon, you may be thinking "hell yeah, Predators are awesome". You may think that living with one of these fantastic fellas will be nothing but great times and shooting up Aliens.

I know what you're thinking: "How could living with this guy not be completely great?!"

But wait! Before you let a Predator move in as your new roommate, consider these 10 points that could be a real deal breaker for a harmonious relationship with this head hunting homie.

10. He hogs the bathroom for hours, fixing and adjusting his dreadlocks
You gotta work to keep a your dreads looking good, man
9. He promises to help out around the house, but whenever there are chores to be done, he is invisible

8. He makes really annoying clicking sounds in his sleep

7. He makes your power bill explode by recharging all his gadgets constantly (you know how much juice it takes to recharge a cloaking field?)
"Excuse me, but your advanced killing gadgets are really sucking up the juice. How about just knifing your prey?"
6. He gets a paper cut and next thing you know he is rigging himself to self destruct

5. He adds a new skull to his collection that looks suspeciously like your dog, Rover. Also, Rover is gone.
Skulls for the Skull Throne! No wait, wrong franchise..
4. He keeps flashing you in the eyes with his targeting lasers. That can cause real eye damage!

3. He holds loud parties with all his Predator friends, and you have to listen to all their boring hunting stories (and watch their photo collections. Really, you can only see so many pictures of an Alien before it gets old!)

2. He freaks you out by standing in your room in the middle of the night. Mentally undressing your skull with his eyes.

1. He uses your toothbrush to clean his mandibles
"Ugh... Just keep the brush, dude... Gross"

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