Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sci-Fi Do Want: Predator Shoulder Cannon

Last week I kicked off the new series "Sci-Fi Do Want" here on Light Speed Gaming by describing the awesomeness that is the Imperial Star Destroyer from Star Wars.
This week I'm scaling way down to something much more handy and portable.

It's the shoulder mounted energy cannon carried by our favorite Alien hunting skull collector; Predator.

The head tracking shoulder cannon: All the fun of shooting people without the hassle of using your arms!
I've always been very fascinated with the Predator aliens ever since I first saw the "Predator" movie as a kid.
Of course, I was around 10 by the time I saw it and the hideous unmasked mandible face of the Predator gave me nightmares for weeks. Still... pretty cool movie!

What I love about the Predator aliens is the way they plan their hunt and kill their prey fast and efficiently.
Unlike so many other sci-fi monsters, they are not wild and savage beasts. They plan their moves and will strike using advantages of terrain and lighting conditions, as well as utilizing their advanced technology.

And one of those pieces of advanced technology is the shoulder mounted cannon.
Rolling up from behind their backs, this plasma cannon tracks the head movements of the Predator, making sure that the intended target stays in the triple laser dotted crosshairs.

The crosshairs are of course the second part of what makes the shoulder cannon so cool.
In the first predator movie there are some great scenes of seeing the characteristic triangle laser dot pattern appearing on an unfortunate special forces soldier, just seconds before he meets an unfortunate plasma burn related end.

You think that thing can read barcodes?
The shoulder cannon is certainly not the strongest personal weapon in the realm of science fiction. And as demonstrated in the various Predator movies, it can be disabled rather easily. You might be better off with something like a Phaser from Star Trek, as the tracking mechanism of the cannon is prone to getting damaged and disabled. Oh, and let's not forget how those sweet sweet red lasers make a nice trail straight back to your hiding place, pretty much announcing your presence to everyone.

But the sheer coolness factor of this baby is off the charts!
And you can't argue with coolness people. You just can't

What do you guys think?
Predator shoulder cannon. Sci-Fi Do Want?

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