Sunday, October 30, 2011

Coming up next week on Light Speed Gaming

It's been a blast of week for me this week!

I finally got my dirty mittens on Battlefield 3, I got my ass handed to me by 17 year old X-COM, and I got down and serious with a post on the place of gaming in modern society.

But as always, there is even better stuff coming up for you all next week!

"Holy stacks of games, Batman!"

It's Q4 and the top quality games won't stop coming.
Already I've played two of my Top 5 games for Q4 2011, namely Forza 4 and Battlefield 3.
I've also already got Batman: Arkham City just lying on my desk, begging to be played (disturbing images of Christian Bale whispering in a husky Batman voice "play me. Play me now..").

But Batman will have to wait until I manage to finish up Gears of War 3, which is currently occupying the disc drive of my Xbox 360.

I will be bringing you a review of Gears of War 3 next week, and I will also squeeze in some initial impressions on Batman.

I'll also be kicking off a new series of articles called "Sci-Fi Do Want", where I'll be looking at various gadgets, vehicles and tech from the world of science fiction that really gets my juices flowing (too much info?).
A sneak peak on the first item I'll take a look at?
It's from Star Wars and it's not a Lightsaber...

This is a hint to the first subject of "Sci-Fi  Do Want"

My cerebral corner is going to be a little less cerebral than the last few outings, as I put on my thinking cap and talk about if there is still any more fizz left in the "Matrix" franchise.

Plus the usual news, humor pieces and useless stuff that I like to serve to you all!

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