Sunday, November 27, 2011

Coming up on the week of November 28 on Light Speed Gaming

The beginning and the end of this week has been all about Star Wars: The Old Republic. Tuesday brought a full on info blowout on the Sith Inquisitor class, which gave you all the dirt about this lightning endowed Dark Side champion.

I also let you guys know about the Sci-Fi Game of the Year list that I'm doing here on Light Speed Gaming, which will hail the greatest science fiction themed video games of 2011. Remember to vote for *YOUR* favorite sci-fi game of the year in the poll at the top right corner of the site.

Before I descended into the depths of the Old Republic beta weekend, I just had time to do a write up of my impressions of Saints Row: The Third, before closing out the week with another Skyrim journal.

As usual I have already been drafting up the content for next week and here are some of the highlights that will be blasting straight from my cranium, through my hands, onto the keyboard and hitting the internet like a wave of pure awesome.

So much Old Republic. Yet not enough...
I've been spending all of my, sadly all too limited, weekend game time playing the Old Republic beta. I'll be giving you plenty of impressions and opinions about the experience, which is probably going to be spanning a couple of posts.

I'll also kick off the Sci-Fi Game of the Year 2011 by spilling the beans on the games that made it into the 10-6 positions on the list.

There is going to be a new Sci-Fi Do Want striking the page when you least suspect it. This time we're going to leave the science fiction weaponry and look at something a bit less deadly.

Skyrim continues to eat up a lot of my gaming time, and I'll be spicing up my reports from the land of the Nords with a bit of video showing off my magnificent magic powers as I blast apart a Stormcloak held fortress.

All this and more, so stay tuned, hit that refresh button, make that bookmark, subscribe to the RSS feed, follow me on Twitter, stalk me as I do my grocery shopping. Do whatever it takes to make sure you don't miss out on these upcoming posts!

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