Saturday, December 3, 2011

A look at Skyrim's Civil War questlines - Commentated video of Fort Amol assault

I mentioned in my last Skyrim Journal post that I have been playing through the civil war quest line. After deciding that Ulfric Stormcloak was an Elf hating racist bastard I joined up with the Imperials and set about maiming and murdering Stormcloak soldiers where ever I found them.

I followed the quest line and I quickly discovered that there is a pattern to the way that the civil war quest line works. You'll be sent out to an Imperial camp where you'll be given a couple of missions, such as blackmailing a local person of power into helping the Imperial cause or freeing some captured soldiers.
Standing back and performing the role of human artillery is quite fun during a fort assault
After these quests you'll finish up the area by assaulting a fort filled by enemy soldiers. This ends up as fairly large battles where you'll be supported by 5-10 allied soldiers and your goal is to simply murder every fool that is crazy enough to not run away when you start throwing fireballs in their general direction (turns out most of the Stormcloaks are crazy fools).

Even though these missions are kind of a chaotic murder fest with enemies and allies quickly becoming difficult to distinguish, I really enjoyed these missions as my mage character, as he is ideally suited to support a battle by hanging back and unleashing magical fury on swathes of above mentioned crazy fools.

Here is a video of me playing through an assault on one of these Stormcloak held forts:

I'm sure the Skyrim fatigue is starting to set in a bit on the interwebz, so I'll be dialing down my Skyrim posts, but expect to get another couple of posts as I get through the main storyline and try to gather my thoughts on the overall experience I've had with the game.

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