Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year and a big thank you!

It's almost time to drink ourselves senseless and celebrate the end of another trip around the Sun by exploding large amounts of colored chemical compounds into the unsuspecting atmosphere of our planet.

From me here at Light Speed Gaming I hope that 2011 brought you good things and that 2012 will be even better. Try not to blast off any extremities that you care about and may your hangovers pass quickly.

I also want to thank every one of you for spending time here on Light Speed Gaming and reading my semi-daily reviews, opinions, rants and so on.

Light Speed Gaming has now been around for a good three months, so obviously we're still very much in the opening phase, but I am really happy about how many people are choosing to stop by and take a gander at my writings.
I love the smell of fireworks in the evening. Smells like... money burning
I'd like to encourage you all to leave comments on my posts as it will greatly help me with working out what kind of things that you'd like to see more off, and I also just really enjoy engaging with readers, so please do leave a comment, they are very much appreciated!

Looking into 2012 I intend to keep going with near daily updates to the blog if at all possible. It's been quite a lot of work for me to keep making a new post every day so far, I'm just one guy that also has a full time job after all, but I think that frequent posts help to keep me in the "blogging zone" and I'd also very much like to give you all a reason to spend a few minutes checking in every day.

I'm not sure how you guys are liking my split between video games, sci-fi video games and other sci-fi stuff (mostly movies and books). Obviously I spend the vast majority talking about video games, which is also keeping with the naming of the blog, but I'll try to throw in a little more movie, book and other sci-fi related content where possible.

Please do let me know if there is some particular gaming or sci-fi area that you'd like to see more coverage of.

You may also have noticed that I've had a few guest posts up. I think that it's very nice to mix up my writing with the thoughts of other people, and if you're out there with an itch to write about something gaming or sci-fi related, then you're very welcome to send me a mail or contact me on Twitter and we can discuss a guest post here on the blog.

That's all from me. Again, Happy New Year and best wishes for 2012!

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