Thursday, December 8, 2011

You'll get to spank your Jawa a little earlier than anticipated - Old Republic early access starts on December 13

It seems BioWare has become overwhelmed by the spirit of the season and decided to give everyone eagerly anticipating getting their lightsaber on a little bit of an early Christmas gift.
The early access for Star Wars: The Old republic, which is available to anyone that has preordered the game, has been moved forwards from December 15 to December 13. So we now have two days less to get our affairs settled, before our free time is swallowed up like a hot Twi'lek dancer by a hungry Rancor.

Just look how happy Darth Malgus is at this news!
Of course the same rules that BioWare have already laid out for early access still applies. This means that BioWare is letting in early access people in waves, which are supposed to be based on when you placed your preorder. So people that preorder the game early will be let in first and then more and more players will gradually be let loose on the servers until everyone is playing.

However here is something that might rub your Yoda the wrong way; BioWare has also confirmed that there will be no "grace" period for those that have preordered. What this means is that on December 19 the servers will go down for a short period during the evening, signalling the end of the early access period.
In order to keep on playing when the servers come back up, you must first go to the SWTOR site and enter in your product code. While this might seem like a minor niggle, I am very concerned that the website servers will pull an Alderaan on us and explode in a mighty shower of sparks as hundreds of thousands of players all try to access it at the same time.

This is what I am worried will happen to the SWTOR website servers

But let's stay optimistic and at least for now just be happy that we'll be journeying to a galaxy far far away slightly slightly sooner than expected. 

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