Sunday, November 6, 2011

Coming up next week on Light Speed Gaming

What a crazy great week it has been for Light Speed Gaming!
From checking back on the merits of the Matrix franchise, to two new reviews of Grand Prix Story and Gears of War 3.
Not to mention the two exclusive previews of the cool looking steampunk MMO City of Steam and the very indie Minecraft-esque Forging Life.

Oh, and of course the launch of our new article series "Sci-Fi Do Wants", with the launch article describing the coolness that is the Imperial Star Destroyer from Star Wars.

And those are just the highlights!

But of course, next week is going to be even better.

Next Friday sees the release of the hotly anticipated next chapter of the Elder Scrolls series; Skyrim.
I can tell from the poll on our site (Look at the top right corner of the page and remember to vote and let your opinion be heard!) that Skyrim has a solid lead as the most anticipated game of November.
I'll be grabbing that as soon as it launches and I'll give you what impressions I can soak up by the end of the week.

This small little title will be quietly releasing on Friday

While we were cheated out of a Diablo 3 release this year, I'm still frothing at the mouth in anticipation of it's release sometime early 2012.
Next week I'll be giving you a rundown of the different classes and let you know what I'll be playing and why (and hopefully inspire you as to what you want to play).

I'll also bring you the next article in our new "Sci-Fi Do Want" series, and this time the subject of the article is going to be a lot smaller than a Star Destroyer (which barely narrows it down at all, really).
Here's a hint. It's the weapon of choice for one ugly motherf**ker.

I will also have some video content coming up, showing off the demo of the upcoming Anno 2070, which takes the colony management game from the past of 1701 and catapults it straight into the near future.

All this and more news, point of view posts and other goodness coming straight towards your screens at the speed of light!

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