Thursday, November 10, 2011

Skyrim Review Round Up

The time for donning your horned helmets and losing yourself in Skyrim is upon us!
If you haven't already laid down cash for a preorder and you're still sitting on the fence, wondering if this latest entry from Bethesda can sufficiently slate your dragon slaying thirst, then wonder no more!

Reviews are now up of Skyrim, and it's looking rather well:

Gamespot (9/10)
IGN (9.5/10)
Giant Bomb (5/5)
Joystiq (5/5)

So across the line it's top marks for Skyrim. Even if the game does still feature some of that open world jank that we've become used to suffer from Bethesda open world games. The favorite bug I've seen so far are the flying mammoths that spawn in mid air and plummet to their doom.
Maybe one of the programmers was inspired by the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

Gamespot video review after the break

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