Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New video from Firaxis spills the alien beans on the upcoming XCOM: Enemy Unknown

A while back it was revealed that we will not only be treated to the FPS take on the old X-COM franchise, but that there is also a "proper" new game in the works, which is going to take us back to the base building and turn based combat goodness of the original games.

Today the developers, Firaxis, has posted this video look of the game, giving us the first chance of actually seeing it in action:

I'm personally really excited after watching this video!
Some people may disagree with the somewhat cartoony art direction that the game seems to be sporting, but I don't mind it at all, and I think that the new "glamour" cam that they were showing off looked awesome and will help add to the immersion of combat.

I'm definitely much more interested in XCOM: Enemy Uknown now and looking forward to playing it later this year (no firm release date is available yet, though).

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  1. I liked the very original game back in 1994, if it follows closely to its true origins of the game, would be happy. Played the later revised versions but it just doesn't have the same feel, perhaps its the storyline or its linear approach to things. I hope they can get it right in this game!

  2. Yeah, I agree with you. I loved the first game and Terror from the deep, but didn't really get into any of the ones after that. This looks like it's taking all the right cues from the original, though


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