Monday, October 24, 2011

Sci-fi blast from the past: X-COM: UFO Defense

Following my own, rather fantastic, advice on cheap sci-fi games on Steam I just picked up a copy of X-COM: UFO Defense

Something strange in the neighborhood?
Who you gonna call?

I intend to deep dive into a pool of DOS powered gaming nostalgia and relive the magic of the strategy game that helped spark my love affair with sci-fi computer gaming.

Either that or I will run away screaming, horrified by the outdated graphics and cumbersome gameplay mechanics.
Either way, it should provide you with top quality entertainment!

X-COM was one of those games that I had a bit of a complicated relationship with, just like I do with Eve Online.
It continually kicked my ass every time I played it and I only managed to finally complete it by cheating (trainer programs and hex-editors for the win! "FFFFFF" for lots of money).

It certainly has that authentic retro look to it, doesn't it?

At the time I was fairly young, only around 10 years old, so my naive hope is that my failures were actually simply due to my undeveloped brain and not that I am overall generally gaming incompetent.

So now, with almost 20 years more of gaming experience in my backpack it should be a complete walk in the park to complete this game without any shady assistance.

I will be chronicling my ongoing success or failure (but surely success, right?) on the site, so you can keep track of how I show this old classic who is the alien busting champ.

Now, to get started by building my first base...

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