Monday, November 21, 2011

Gearing up for Light Speed Gaming Sci-Fi Game of the Year 2011

The end is coming!
The end of 2011 that is. Soon we'll all be nursing another case of New Year related hangovers and wondering how it can already be 2012 (besides wondering where you left your keys and your pants).

The ending of a year means it's time to look back and think about the things we liked. And among those things are of course the greatest video games.
Now, here on Light Speed Gaming I love a chance to write about science fiction themed video games, but I don't exclusively deal with sci-fi games. That's going to change for the Game of the Year segment. You can find plenty of other Game of the Year lists out there on the mighty info tubes that is the internet, so I'm gonna give you a reason to look at my list.

So for the Light Speed Gaming Game of the Year 2011 I'm going to be looking exclusively at science fiction themed games. I'll leave the deliberations about the qualities of Skyrim versus Batman: Arkham City to the more general gaming sites.

You probably won't believe it, but I actually totally made this myself!
I'll be kicking off the process next week, where I'll be bringing you my top 10-6 sci-fi games of 2011.
The week after that will be for the positions 5-3, while the last week will be reserved for the winner of Light Speed Gaming Sci-Fi Game of the Year 2011 and the runner up.
So things will be wrapped up around December 16, just in time for the Holidays.

In addition to subjecting you to my entirely subjective and biased opinions about the best games of 2011, you will get a chance to make your own opinion heard. A poll will be going up on the site tonight (You'll be able to find it in the top right corner, just below the "About Light Speed Gaming"), where all the candidates will be listed and a Readers Choice winner will be found. The poll will run from now and until December 13).

Warhammer 40k: Space Marines is one of the contenders. Sadly I'm not having a "most gory sci-fi game" category, or it would curb stomp its way to victory quite easily
Since it will probably cause some controversy I'll say already now that I am not going to consider Star Wars: The Old Republic for game of the year 2011. Since it's not releasing until December 20 (a bit earlier for those of us that preordered) there is simply not enough time to play enough of it to make a fair judgement.
So I'm sorry ToR fans (including myself) but I need to spend a good few weeks with an MMO before I can reasonably pass judgement on it.

With that, I encourage you all to cast your vote and throw in your lot with your favorite sci-fi game of 2011!
May the best game win.

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