Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Will The Old Republic manage to be a WoW Killer?

There have been claims of the coming of the fabled "World of Warcraft-killer" for many years now. Despite the best attempts of some of the biggest publishers and developers in the world WoW is still sitting comfortably on the biggest slice of the MMO pie (sounds like a good way to ruin your pants. Mmmm...soggy).

Will the "lightsaber effect" prove to be a danger to the dominance of WoW?

But Star Wars: The Old Republic could have the best chance of any MMO released post-WoW to finally knock WoW off it's place as king of the hill.

I wrote an article about this over on MMOCrunch. An interesting debate has ensued and I invite you all to check out the article and share your thoughts either here or on MMOCrunch.

I am currently on a trial period as a writer for MMOCrunch, so look for my posts there (Labelled as being written by "Technomancer")

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