Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas from all of me to all of you

The great Pagan holiday, known in Christian countries as Christmas, is upon us once again, ready to smother us with inappropriately large sized servings of food and piles upon piles of meticulously wrapped gifts.

I hope that you will all have a great Christmas and that Santa has left a little science fiction present underneath the Christmas tree, whether it be in the form of a video game, a movie, a book or something else entirely.

I myself have asked Santa for a shiny new copy of Anno 2070, though how I'll find time to play it in between Old Republic and my extended Christmas feasting sessions I don't know.

What will Futurama Santa bring us this year?

I will be spending Christmas with my family, but I should still be able to keep up posting here on the site, so please do check back in and see what's up, if you get a chance to make your way onto the interwebs.

So Merry Christmas and best wishes to everyone from me here at Light Speed Gaming!

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