Friday, December 23, 2011

Commentated Alderaan PvP Video - I'll melt your face with lightning!

I've already dumped more hours into Star Wars: The Old Republic than probably any other game that I've played in 2011. I'm really enjoying the game so far, even if it can't quite match the addictive qualities of WoW (can anything really be expected to recapture that feeling again, though?).

Anyway, I thought I'd share with you my first experience of the PvP battleground system in Old Republic. So I give to you this video of me noobing around the Alderaan PvP battleground and trying to violently burn my republic enemies into a crisp, through the use of Force lightning.

I hope you'll excuse the slightly too loud sound effect volume in the video. I had some technical issues with the recording, but I hope you can still manage to hear most of my commentary.

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