Thursday, December 22, 2011

Announcing the winner of a Fallout: New Vegas

My giveaway of a Steam copy of the game Fallout: New Vegas has ended and it's time to pick a lucky winner.

There were several interesting great sci-fi experiences of 2011, from the movie "Inception", to the audio book version of the Star Wars book series "Fate of the Jedi", or even a blast from the past from a reader that just watched the 1997 movie "Contact" for the first time.
Another very interesting top sci-fi moment from "DC" was the movie "Another Earth"
But I ended up picking a comment that really tickled my inner sci-fi geek. Oasis789 nominated the convention "Singularity Summit", which is a convention for high profile speakers to discuss the possibilities of the future.

In particular, Oasis 789 pointed out the lecture given by Stephen Wolfram, of Wolfram Alpha fame, where he discussed, among other things, such sci-fi sounding concepts as computational equivalence and the inevitable unlocking of human immortality and it's impact on society.

You can check out the Stephen Wolfram lecture in this YouTube clip (lecture starts at 3:20 mins in):

So congratulations to Oasis789 and thank you for bringing up a little more cerebral stimulation than what many of us sci-fi junkies are perhaps used to consuming.

Also a big thanks to everyone that participated in the giveaway. I really appreciate you taking time to share your favorite sci-fi moments with the rest of us, and it has certainly inspired me to check out some other interesting looking sci-fi material. 

You can check out all the comments in the full post here.

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