Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Light Speed Gaming Sci-Fi Game of the Year "Readers' Choice" - Augmentations FTW!

It's time to find out which game won the "Readers's Choice" Sci-Fi Game of the Year here on Light Speed Gaming.
When I last gave you an update on the situation Deus Ex: Human Revolution was leading by a single vote, with both Portal 2 and Dawn of War 2: Retribution right behind this elbow blade waving RPG.

Since then there's been a massive show of support for Deus Ex and in the end it ended up with a very comfortable victory, completely obliterating eclipsing the competition, like Lady Gaga at a high school talent show.

I think a victory smoke is in order, Mr. Jensen
I can't say that Deus Ex taking the title was a big surprise, but I was expecting that some of the other titles, particularly Portal 2, would give it a real run for its money. There's no doubt that Deus Ex was a fantastic game and Eidos has done an incredible job at bringing this once most beloved franchise back into peak fighting form.

Stay tuned for my last post on the Light Speed Gaming Sci-Fi Game of the Year 2011 on Thursday, which will reveal the my winner and runner up. Will I agree with the choice of the readers or did something else grab me as the ultimate fictitious of science gaming experience in 2011?

Also, a huge thanks to everyone that voted in the poll. I appreciate you taking the time to vote!

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