Thursday, December 15, 2011

BioWare hints that they'll eventually add "Guild Capital Ships" to The Old Republic

I was just having a look over at the official SWTOR site and I found this page outlining the planned additional content that BioWare will be working on adding to the game.

It should come as no surprise that BioWare is going to be adding more flashpoints and operations into the game, nor that they are planning on bringing additional PvP content to the game. That's all pretty much standard MMO content patching stuff.

But what came as quite a nice surprise was this juicy piece of info: "Eventually we even want to deliver on the promise of the long hinted at “Guild Capital Ships”."

Hopefully your guild capital ship will be a little less... on fire and crashing through the atmosphere
Now admittedly for all practical intents and purposes a guild capital ship is probably not going to be a whole lot different from just a guild hall, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm enough of a Star Wars geek that the idea of having a Star Destroyer (Sorry, I mean a Sith Battlecruiser) as guilding housing is pretty damn cool.

BioWare, shut up and take my money!

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