Friday, December 16, 2011

Two new Command & Conquer games announced - One is a Generals 2 and the other a Browser game... WTF EA?!

In a great bait and switch, not seen done with such flair since George Lucas brought us the Star Wars prequels, EA has announced that they'll be bringing us two new games in the beloved C&C franchise.
This was followed by much cheering that was immediately turned into cries of outrage and despair as the nature of these two new installments was revealed.

The first new C&C game announced was a sequel to the very so-so 2003 game "C&C: Generals".
It's not that generals was terrible but it was certainly the least interesting outing in the C&C franchise if we ignore the horrible steaming pile of cyber poop that was C&C 4.
At least we can take solace in the fact that it's being developed by a new BioWare studio, so fingers crossed. The game won't be out until 2013, so it's much too early to say if it's looking good, but I'm going to miss my Brotherhood of Nod stealth tanks.

At least there appears to be Orcas in the game. That's always a plus
While I can at least maintain some semblance of cautious optimism about Generals 2, I have a whole lot more trouble feeling up beat about the other new C&C game; Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances.

Details about the game are not yet available, save for this one soul crushing one; it's going to be an online browser based game... 

Take a look at the announcement trailer yourself and make your own call:

Bleh, I would much rather have had another Red Alert game..

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