Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Quick look of Soul Calibur V up on Giant Bomb - A little Ezio in your calibur of souls

I've never been much of a fighting games fan, but for some reason I've always quite enjoyed the Soul Calibur games ever since I played the original on my Dreamcast console way back in the day.

The Soul Calibur games are something of a "black sheep" in the fighting games genre, as far as I understand it. It's generally viewed as being a bit too simplistic and not terribly well balanced, but it's easy for non-fighting games people to pick up and the fights look great, so that's probably why I'm partial to it.
Also the chance to play a dual sword wielding pirate with a demon blade is pretty nifty.

Soul Calibur V is the latest entry in the series and is coming out today in the US, while us eurotrash peeps will have to wait a few days more.

I saw this quick look of the game over on my favorite video game website, Giant Bomb, so check it out if you're in the market for a casual friendly and great looking fighting game:

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