Saturday, September 24, 2011

Old Repbulic companions -Pets with personality

Now that my hopes of Diablo 3 in 2011 have been crushed, I turn to my other hope of 2011, which is the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic.

With a glowstick like that, he'd be the king of any techno party

Star Wars certainly does not hold the same magic to me that it once did and it's been a while since the last really good Star Wars game came around (Republic Commando maybe? Or even back to Knights of the Old Republic).

Nevertheless I get suckered right back in, when you show me lightsabers and big Star Destroyer-like capital ships, like an abused spouse coming right back for more (Really, it was my own fault for expecting too much. This time it will be different...).

On the official Old Republic website there is a weekly update every Friday giving you a brief glimpse of some aspect of the game.
This week it's companion characters.

Companion characters will be kinda an advanced "pet" that will follow you around, fight with you and generally be all sorts of handy.

Basically it is bringing in the feeling of having party characters from a single player RPG into an MMO and I'm very interested in seeing how this will work out.

You'll get to choose from many different companions so you can get one that fits with your playing style, like a DPS class picking a healing or tanking companion (or just pick the cute Twi'lek and stare at her cleavage).

How are *you* doing?

Additionally every companion will be a developed character that you build a relationship with and which can present you with quests of their own if you get along with them well enough.

In theory at least this sounds like a really cool premise and I'll be very interested in seeing if Bioware can pull this system on, once the game is (hopefully) released around the holidays this year.

For the article on companions and a lengthy commentated video check out ToR: Companions

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