Friday, October 14, 2011

Buy a piece of old "World of Warcraft" history

If you are in the market for some old video game memorabilia and want to support a charitable cause at the same time (and who isn’t?!), then you might be interested in Blizzards new auction for World of Warcraft “Server blades”(No, I don't know what a server blade is either, but it's probably not nearly as cool as it sounds).

Basically Blizzard has kept some of its old hardware infrastructure that was used to run World of Warcraft in the early years of the game, but has since been retired.

Be a geek *and* help sick kids at the same time! It's win win, people!

Blizzard is now auctioning this hardware off on E-bay and the proceeds will go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (where they research children, presumably).

The server blades being sold comes with a commemorative plaque, which you can display it prominently above the fireplace and impress your visitors with you altruistic/geeky nature.

Sadly, there will be no actual WoW data on the hardware, so no chance of starting up a bootleg World of Warcraft server by frankensteining these obsolete silicon relics back into life.

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