Thursday, October 13, 2011

I just bought a Kinect - Or: How I learned nothing from owning a Wii

I just did something that I feel I am going to regret.

I just ordered a Kinect.

Oh Kinect. Please don't suck!

Let me elaborate.

When the Nintendo Wii came out, I was not immediately impressed and didn't rush out and buy one right from the get go.
But as word eventually got around of the motion based shenanigans of Wii Sports, I found my gadget bone (it's the one right next to the funny bone) starting to tingle.

Sure enough I ended up with a Wii console and found much fun golfing and playing bowling with my friends.

For about three months.

My Wii is currently gathering dust inside a cupboard and I don't think it has been turned on for at least a year.

After the novelty wore off, I was left with a console that had no games that I wanted to play (never really been a Nintendo franchise fan), and even Wii Sports golf gets old after you've played the same holes for the 50th time.

There is only so much Wii bowling that one man can take

So I learned my lesson about motion based gaming.
And only a retarded monkey would stick their hand into the same searing flame twice in a row, right?

Well, guess someone should hand me a banana and put me on the short bus, because after having held out for a year, I was finally unable to resist the draw of just seeing what the heck the Kinect feels like.

And what won me over?

Dance Central 2.

Are you still reading?

Alright, good.
Now, I am a pretty hardcore gamer that have games such as Civilization and Dawn of War 2 as my favorite games, so I guess I am not exactly the key demographic for this game.

Is it possible for a man to like this and also love Total War??

Nevertheless I find that I am inexplicably drawn to its slick presentation and I keep thinking how much fun it's going to be as a party game, when I have non-gaming friends over.

So there you have it.

Hardcore gaming nerd gets won over to buy a Kinect because of a dancing game.

Next up we take a look at Hell and the extreme cold weather they're having at the moment.

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