Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Orcs Must Die! Developer "Robot Entertainment" answers a few questions

We're very happy to bring you a short Q and A with Community Manager Justin Korthof from "Robot Entertainment", makers of the just released and very well received game "Orcs Must Die!".

We previously did a small video look of the demo, which pits your skills against the enemy greenskin hordes of the first three levels of the game.

This pretty much sets the tone for "Orcs Must Die!"
We contacted Robot Entertainment to learn a bit more about the game, which seems to have gotten off to a good start:

1. You just landed a great review on IGN, with a score of 9/10 it really looks like this game is going to be well received.
Did you expect to get such a great review and what has been the teams reaction to this?

A: I'm not sure we were really expecting anything specific. Certainly we felt like we have a good game on our hands, and we were hoping that when people outside the studio played it that they would enjoy it as much as we have been for months. The review response has been excellent and we're really glad that people are enjoying the game.

2. Trenched and Toy Soldiers: Cold War are both other recent examples of successful tower defense like games that add a hefty dose of 3rd person action into the mix. With Orcs Must Die! now seemingly joining this crowd of hits, do you think this is a genre that we will see a big explosion in a-la music games post Guitar Hero?

A: We certainly didn't explicitly set out to join any "crowd" of games, but you've collected us with some great company there. I think that developers want to make games that people like. Players have shown that they like this type of game, so we likely will see more of it. But I think in general we'll see a lot more new and experimental takes on games coming from independent developers, and that's a great thing for gamers.

Floor spikes + hordes of incoming Orcs = all round good time
3. By having a fantasy setting, Orcs Must Die! looks quite distinctive compared to both Trenched and Toy Soldiers. Was the fantasy setting a deliberate choice to try to have a unique setting for your tower defense / 3rd person action game, or was it a more "accidental" design choice?

A: We have a ton of fantasy fans in the studio, and there was definitely a desire to work on a fantasy game. From the very beginning, Orcs Must Die! was placed in a fantasy setting for those reasons. It wasn't really a choice made from a competitive analysis, but rather a passionate one.

The fantasy setting of "Orcs Must Die!" really sets the game apart in terms of style

4. Finally, do you have any ideas on the drawing board as far as DLC goes?

A: We haven't announced any DLC for Orcs Must Die! yet.

Thanks to Justin for taking the time to answer our questions!

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