Sunday, September 25, 2011

3 Sci-fi movies you may not have seen but should consider

In the sci-fi movie universe there are the behemoths like Star Wars and Star Trek, or more recent mainstream smash hits like the Matrix (or well, the first one at least).

However there are a lot of cool sci-fi movies out there that went more under the radar but are still worth your time if you are a fan of the genre.

Okay, so maybe you've seen this already..

Here are 3 movies that I would gladly recommend to any sci-fi geek:

I know I already plugged this once, but it is worth emphasizing that you should check it out!

1. Dune: This 1984 David Lynch interpretation of the classic sci-fi book (the qualities of which I have already ranted about) is wonderful and weird.
It does not do the book justice, but memorable scenes such as sand worm riding or a floating obese Baron Harkonnen (how can you not love a flying fat guy? He's like a huge flesh filled balloon of fun. And wanton murder) makes it well worth watching.

Uhm... I don't think a leg is supposed to bend like that, lady

2. Serenity: 2005's Serenity is based on the cult hit TV series "Firefly", which only ran for a single season.
It has a very "space action comedy" feel to it and is very enjoyable as a low attention demanding popcorn munching movie.
Can even be watched with non-sci-fi nerd friends!

Ahahaha... oh Johnny Mnemonic. You so crazy!

3. Johnny Mnemonic: Coming out in 1995 and starring Keanu Reeves this was a much less popular sci-fi flick than The Matrix (like how eating raw sewage is not quite as popular as... not eating raw sewage).

There are no aliens or spaceships in this movie, which is a cyberpunk affair with brain implanted internet access and laser wires in your fingers (not quite as cool as nano blades in your elbows, but still)
I will admit that this is objectively speaking probably a rather bad movie, so I would recommend this only if you appreciate sci-fi movies in all its forms.

Happy watching!

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