Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Deus Ex game director talks about designing the game

As you may have already seen in my earlier post, I am quite fond of the new Deus Ex and its elbow sword waving shenanigans.

Today I stumbled on a really interesting interview with the game director of Deus Ex, Jean Francois Dugas.
For those of you interested in what went on behind the curtain (you know, the curtain that all game developers sit behind when they are making a game), then I think there are some interesting questions answered in this piece.

Jean explains why making choices all the time became such an integral part of the game and why there is no "morality meter", like you see in so many other decision making games like Fallout or Mass Effect.

Hello, I am Sven. I am here to crush all the fun out of this game. Starting... Now!

He also touches on the, frankly kinda FUBAR, boss fights and while he offers some explanation for their design, it basically boils down to "yeah, we f*'d that up pretty bad"

You can read the full article at Giant Bomb here.

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