Sunday, September 25, 2011

"I just like to watch" -Dawn of War 2 casting

You may already know that I like me some Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2 (DoW2), as it made it into my personal top 10 video game list.

However DoW2 is a demanding game when you're playing 1 versus 1 multiplayer.
You have to constantly be on top of your game, giving orders to your units all over the battlefield and keep track of when to build what units.

Too much stuff going on... can't... keep track

Sometimes I get the DoW2 cravings, but I really just want to sit back and relax, while someone else is doing all that hard work of actually playing the game.

To fill this need I use a couple of excellent sites that provide commentated replays and often live commentated games and tournaments.

Shalesey Casts is my favorite port of call for DoW2 casts.
There is a large selection of recorded matches to watch and the commentary is both fairly funny and relevant to the game.

There are also live broadcasts almost every day, where the casters will be casting either games played between 3rd parties or games between the casters and other people. is my other go to DoW2 casting site.
The activity here is not as regular as it is on Shalesey Casts and the quality can also swing a lot.
However there is a bit more emphasis on tournaments, so if you want to see some good high level play then there is a good selection here.

You don't have to be a giant DoW2 nerd to appreciate the DoW2 casts (obviously, like in all other cases in life it helps if you *are* a nerd), as long as you have a vague idea about RTS games in general you'll quickly pick up the more intricate details of DoW2.

Om nom nom. Space Marine, the other white meat

The visceral visuals of DoW2, with excellent animated kills, such as a 30 feet high four armed monster violently stabbing a Space Marine before tossing him into its mouth and shaking him like a chew toy, make DoW2 an entertaining game to watch even for non-initiated. Certainly I think it is a lot more interesting to watch than the, in my opinion, rather more sterile experience of Starcraft 2

So go and enjoy some intense RTS action without having to worry about the hassle of build orders or improving your actions-per-minute!

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