Sunday, September 25, 2011

5 good sci-fi video games on Steam for under 5 euro each

The economic crisis is hitting us all, even us nerds have to hold back on our extravangaze.
Some of you out there may even still be using phones that you bought more than 12 months ago!

Video games are expensive but even during hard times we must be entertained!

If you don't have a tree like this, then you may need to think twice when choosing what games to buy

I have gone through the bargain bins of Steam and picked out 5 sci-fi games for under 5 euro each that I think should keep you entertained for many hours and take your mind off how you may not be able to afford that Iphone 5 at launch...

The all blonde anti-alien team prepares to swing into action

1. X-com UFO Defense: One of the great classics of the DOS generation of PC games. This strategy game tasks you with creating a UFO defense force and protecting earth from alien incursions.
The game switches between managing base building, soldier recruitment, R&D and then the actual missions, where you get to fight against the aliens in turn based isometric glory.
Despite its age this is an incredibly absorbing game and is well worth your time even today.
(Note that the sequels "Terror from the deep" and "Apocalypse" are also available on steam for 5 euro)

Dude, I can totally see up your nose from here. Gross!

2. Beyond Good and Evil: This 3rd person action adventure game has become something of a cult classic. It's set in a slightly zany universe with talking pigs, which apparently is the norm once we get to the year 2435.
The graphics are actually still somewhat passable and the story is thoroughly entertaining.

Do not attempt to adjust your monitor. This is what the actual game looks like

3. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II: Okay, so the graphics are crap. Like "Oh god, why is that storm trooper made of Lego" bad. Nevertheless Dark Forces II is still a passable FPS, which lets you use a lightsaber and wield force powers. Also there is some terribly good/terrible full motion video in there!

Weird looking aliens are the order of the day in Munch's Oddysee

4. Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee: This 3d platformer is all about puzzle solving. You'll controlled the alien "Munch" who is trying to prevent his people from getting hunting to extinction due to their delicious taste (yes, that's the actual plot)
The story is not all that compelling, but there are some interesting mind teasers in here and if you're looking for a more sedate experience then this could be for you.

"Hug meeeee!"

5. Alien vs Predator Classic 2000: This is the forefather to the aptly titled "Aliens vs Predator". Obviously to make it possible to distinguish the two version they slapped a "Classic 2000" on this one.
This FPS lets you play as Marine, Alien or Predator through 3 campaigns and while the graphics are bad (though not as bad as Dark forces II) in many ways this game actually feels better put together than its younger brother.

Pinch those pennies, people

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