Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Diablo 3 closed beta begins

Okay, so it's not exactly a sci-fi videogame but as I do have the original Diablo on my all time top 10 video games list I will go ahead and make a post about it anyway, 'cause frankly I am looking forward to this the way Greece is looking forward to fiscal stability.

Starting yesterday the closed beta testing for Diablo 3 is now underway.
Sadly I am not one of those lucky enough to have gotten a beta invitation but here's to hoping I'll get one at some point.

If you *really* only like sci-fi themed games just squint at the screenshot and pretend the wizard is shooting a laser beam. *zzzap!*

The real reason I am excited about this is because it shows that the game is getting pretty close to release (probably 3-5 months if previous Blizzard beta periods are anything to go by).
With a little luck we might even get a diabolical little christmas present with release in 2011.

That would be awesome, although I am getting a little tired of using my planned christmas vacation to play Blizzard games, like I did with Cataclysm and Wrath of the Lich King before that...

Unlike most betas, but *like* most Blizzard betas, there is no NDA in effect for the Diablo 3 beta, so expect people everywhere flashing screens and videos on the internet and smothering us with the pixellated goodness of the game.

To anyone lucky enough to have already gotten a beta invite I wish you happy beta testing and to all the rest of us who are crossing our fingers I wish good luck. Mostly for myself of course.

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