Sunday, September 18, 2011

Deus Ex -More fun than you can wave an elbow sword at

So I have recently played through the multi-platform game Deus Ex Humand Revolution and I have to say that I found it to be a very enjoyable experience.

The protagonist Adam Jensen complete with augmentation mechanical arms

Deus Ex takes place in the near future, where science has developed the technology to replace limbs and organs with mechanical replacements, giving humans the possibility to get infrared vision, lungs impervious to poisonous gas or frigging blades that slide out of your elbows (for those melon slicing emergencies)

As with any near future setting it is inevitably suitably bleak, with corporations usurping power from governments, rampant terrorist attacks and hidden conspiracies around every corner.
Even the wonder technology of augmentation is kind of a downer, with users eventually suffering rejection symptoms that force them to be forever addicted to drugs for the rest of their lives (but still, swords that pop out of your elbow, man!)

The game manages to create a really cohesive atmosphere and walking around the various environments of the game really gives off a very Blade Runner like vibe, especially the "two-layer" Chineese city you visit during the game.

The game is a first person game that is more a proper shooter than something like Fallout 3 but less than Call of Duty.
This is a role playing game first and a shooter/stealth game second and if you really want to play Deus Ex as a straight up shooter you'll probably find it somewhat unsatisfying.

The gun play is not Deus Ex strongest asset but shooting robots with a missile launcher is always fun

However if you are looking for a game with a great sci-fi world, a quite interesting story and decent game play mechanics then Deus Ex is exactly what you're looking for.

During the game you'll get the possibility of accessing several different augmentations that allow your character to do everything from jump off the top of buildings and glide harmlessly to the ground (potentially also punching out any hapless people that may be standing in your way) to doing a 360 spin and sending out a murdering spray of explosive bullets from your torso (like a suicide bomber but without the annoying hassle of the suicide part).

The augmentation mechanic is well done and there are enough different and meaningful augmentations to make it feel like you are making significant changes to your character.
So you are catered for no matter if you prefer to go invisible and sneak your way through guards or pick up a dumpster and throw it at them.

If you liked Fallout 3 or Mass Effect (or the original Deus Ex of course) then I think you would really like this game too

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