Friday, September 23, 2011

It's weekend and time to get your Space Marine painted!

No, that is not some dirty euphemism.

This is for all those people out there, who take their nerdhood to the next level (this includes myself), and spend considerable amounts of time painting small plastic figurines.

These figurines are then used to stage dramatic battles between powerful factions of the galaxy, waged on your very own living room table (with or without impending risks from pets jumping on said table)

Now I have only been painting Warhammer 40k models for under a year and I will be the first to admit that I suck pretty bad at it.

An Ultramarine terminator. The very first Warhammer model I painted. I know it looks shit, but I was very happy!
Unpainted model to the left for reference of how it looks before some untalented noob mess it up

But even so, there is something very satisfying in finishing the last detail on a model and holding it out in your hand for inspection (top tip, if you squint hard enough most models will look fine. If you find this does not work, try holding out the model as far as way from your face as possible).
Knowing that *you* turned this non-descript piece of grey plastic into a terrifying super soldier of the 41st millennium (with paint runoff on his helmet but let's not nit pick)

If you are a complete model painting noob, like I was a very short while ago, there are some helpful tips on the interwebs.

I found this video series on Youtube to be really good. Unlike a lot of the other videos I found the author actually talks in the video and explains what is going on, instead of just some music over a guy painting, which does not necessarily help a lot if you don't know your drybrush from your hairbrush.

Happy painting!

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